Well, we decided at long last to let our interns speak. They have been virtually sequestered in one of our conference rooms for the past semester.
Heads bowed over laptops, they researched and posted and posted and researched – probably feeling like a team of drones, but…as bright and shining as a career in marketing is, there is a TON of sweat equity that goes into every effective marketing campaign. If they didn’t know that in January, they do now!
However…in our defense, we broke no Intern Labor Laws and think they were privy to some riveting intel by being exposed to our killer strategy sessions.
So here we go – The CRUSH Agency: Interns Uncensored!
Melissa L.
The Good
The good things about interning at a marketing agency, especially at The CRUSH Agency, would be that everyone is really fun to work with. We all spend a lot of time on our computers, so when employees of the company are being goofy and spontaneous, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Our April Fool’s Day at the Agency was hilarious! I also get to learn actual experience that will help me in my career in the future.
The Bad
Some bad things about interning at a marketing agency would be that I spend all of my time on the computer. I’m also not used to sitting in a chair all day.
The Ugly
Some of the “Ugly” that I have witnessed while interning would be getting frustrated by trying to get in contact with someone. There was a task I was working on that involved me to update a directory listing for one of our clients. I emailed and called all of the directories that needed to be updated, but some of them did not get back to me in time of the task’s deadline. Because we work with many people and clients, it’s sometimes hard to get in contact with people we need information from.
Caylie R.
The Good
I loved being able to see what I’m learning in school unfold in real life. It’s one thing to talk about client meetings and creative presentations in class, but you learn the most when you’re actively participating or observing in an agency. The hands-on experiences have helped me realize what I’m truly interested in and what I want to do once I graduate.
The Bad
It was hard to accurately market clients on social media when I didn’t fully understand what they did, such as our client that provides chemical pollution control systems. It was difficult to research them in particular because of how complicated their processes are, but it needed to be done. You don’t always get to market companies you’re actually interested in.
The Ugly
Taking all of my upper level advertising classes while interning is one of the most stressful things I’ve done in school so far. It’s been a beneficial and growing stage for me as I’ve learned how to juggle many responsibilities at once, but it definitely wasn’t always pretty.
Irene S.
The Good
One of my favorite things about interning at a marketing agency is that even though there is A LOT of work to do, everyone works together and finds ways to keep each other sane. I think the spontaneous pizza parties in the middle of the day really helped with that! It is so awesome how our clients are so appreciative that they bring us Girl Scout Cookies and donuts!
My favorite days are when we have content meetings. We all sit in the conference room brainstorming ideas for our clients. I really learned how to collaborate with others and the power of teamwork! It is also a nice break from the computer.
An internship at CRUSH completely redefines the meaning of intern work. There really isn’t any intern work per se. We help with work for REAL clients which really makes a difference for the company, and we get great marketing experience in return!
When I come here I feel like I am in a completely different planet! Compared to the USF Tampa area it is such a chill atmosphere. I love the trees and being in nature. It was nice to sit outside in the patio and get some sun vitamin D while working on my laptop.
The Bad
I would have to say the “bad” about interning here is that there is a lot of work that involves being on the computer. By the end of the day I don’t even want to Netflix and Chill, watch TV, or anything that involves looking at a screen. The good thing about this is that it encourages me to be creative and do other things when I get home like reading a book or going to the gym! It is truly magical.
The Ugly
Sometimes giving ideas at meetings just gets you into trouble because if your idea is good you will just make more work for yourself! For example, one time we were coming up with ideas for CRUSH blogs and I suggested a post about SEO to improve organic search results. Then Liane looks at me and is like, “That sounds great! Do you want to write it?”
You know you are a real CRUSH team member when you start using acronyms for clients’ names. I often catch myself saying things like, “I completed the social posts ideas for PMA, and now I am working on RPC’s calendar of events”.
One of the clients for whom I did a lot a work during my internship was a real estate agent. I never thought I would learn so much about real estate, out of all things, from a marketing internship! I provided content for the agent’s social media and wrote a couple of blog posts. I feel like I know this person so well even though I have never spoken to or met this person in real life.
Brandon L.
The Good
Working as an intern at the Crush Agency is awesome because the work that you do is put into real life use with the clients and you get to interact with various different areas.
The Bad
You are definitely constantly busy and always have something that is due or should have been done but you just have to keep on pressing on.
The Ugly
Balancing work, school, and an internship is a major struggle and time management is a must. If you procrastinate too much you will definitely fall behind and fall off course. However, if you can manage it effectively and stay organized, then it will be worth it in the end.
Amanda K.
The Good
I had a great time interning here! The greatest thing about interning is the variety of tasks you can work on. While I was here I worked on blogging, social media, SEO, graphic design and a lot more. The real-life experience you get while interning is also a perk. You learn more in an internship then you could ever learn in a classroom. I also really enjoyed the environment at CRUSH. There is always a conversation to overhear in the office that cracks me up, and as an intern it’s fun to watch these “professionals” that you admire goofing off.
The Bad
As an intern you accept any task given to you and smile as you work… even if it is the most tedious, boring task you’ve ever been assigned.
The Ugly
When it comes to being an intern there’s always some grunt work to be done, and that’s probably the ugliest thing about interning. Ha Ha!
We’re gonna miss you guys! And as you can see, we redacted none of your comments – LOL! One of our most enthusiastic and talented employees started in our internship program. The reciprocal benefits ultimately outweigh the eye strain. (Hope you can catch up on your shows now Irene!) Congrats to all of you on earning your degrees. Thank you from our hearts for your humor and your tenacity.
If you are interested in finding out more about our internship program, contact us at media@thecrushagency.com.
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