- Please use this site to request your custom artwork. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible when placing your request in order to ensure that our team turn around the best artwork within the 5 business day turnaround timeframe.
- All other pre-designed, editable pieces, forms and flyers can be found on Google Drive under the CRUSH folder.
*PROOF APPROVALS: Please provide your approval using the method it was originally shared; Verbal approvals will not be accepted. Your approval states you have reviewed these proofs for accuracy. Check overall content and quality such as but not limited to copy, numbers, addresses, postal codes, size, page position, fonts, bleed, color, cropping, folding, etc. Any changes indicated on the proofs are to be made by The Crush Agency. It is understood The Crush Agency is responsible for making only the changes indicated and The Crush Agency is not responsible for errors if work is produced after your approval. It is understood if any of the changes indicated are a result of incorrect original information or material you provided to The Crush Agency, you will be charged appropriately for alterations and new proofs.